JT’s Musings: Digital Living Intelligence
Companies that believe their AI implementation is complete with LLMs are overlooking the broader technological landscape. Leaders need to be moving beyond current AI deployments and preparing for the broader impact of DLI.

How to Create an Effective Innovation Portfolio
An innovation portfolio is essential if you want to stay ahead of the competition, exceed your customer's needs, and drive your business forward. But how do you create an effective innovation portfolio?

Slack Canvas: Your Organization's Secret Weapon
Following the pandemic, hybrid work has become the norm for many organizations. If your organization has adopted a hybrid work model, what are you doing to ensure your team can still work as effectively as they were before?
Slack Canvas is a new tool that you can use to help your team stay organized, aligned, and productive in Slack–your digital HQ. Read our latest article to learn everything you need to know about Slack Canvas and how to use it.

The Keys to Building a Software-Centric Business Culture
Ready to take your business to the next level in today's digital age? Learn about the three key elements you need to know in our latest article: The Keys to Building a Software-Centric Business Culture.

AI Trends to Watch out for in 2023
AI is shaping the future of business, and as a leader, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve! Check out our latest article on the artificial intelligence trends organizational leaders need to watch out for in 2023.